Supporting Others

A Glimpse into Healing and Thriving

Thankful for those who send me small gifts of encouragement. These moments light my way to keep moving forward no matter what debilitating thoughts enter my head.

Today a gift from Janice, encouraging words from Nikita, a message from Clementina, and a Write Heal Thrive Etsy store purchase all affirmed that during a triggering moment working on my Spanish publication resulting in a migrane, my reason and purpose to publish my story is still important, critical, valid, and necessary.

Thank you everyone for your continued support. This isn’t always easy for me, especially when I remember the past but knowing I am doing this for reasons beyond myself and that there are people like you all out in the world helps me renew my sense of purpose.

What you are reading is a glimpse into healing, thriving, and continuing to sometimes be triggered. And since healing is not linear, I continue to process and grow into this new sense of being and belonging in my own body.

Publishing and the next steps continue to be part of a process that I am maneuvering and learning about as related to healing and thriving. I never imagined I would publish however it has become very necessary for myself and for anyone that may be inspired to take steps in their own healing post any trauma they may have faced in the past.

This journey is without words quite yet.
Thank you for being part of it.

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